"Wondrous caves" .. the first station of tourists Bjeegel
"Wondrous caves" .. the first station of tourists Bjeegel

Witnessing Grotto caves strange Municipality Ziama Mansouriet, in Jijel, increasing demand from year to year, especially after the end of the local authorities of the completion of the tunnel Dar El Oued stuck Bamoarh and open it in front of the users of the National Road No. 43 link between Jijel, Bejaia, and the closure of the road in its segment passing above the cave curiosities
Has increased the tunnel which was completed according to the latest international standards, a new suit for the splendor of the greenest place between the mountains and the blue of the vastness of the sea and the beach caves. It also considered the local authorities, despite the lack of space, to create the pens stopped cars and buses, which are flocking from all states of the country.
Cave curiosities Bzaama Mansouriet represents one of the most important monuments and tourist in Algeria, in addition to the caves Oqas Bejaia, Tlemcen and sons returned. These caves increase her fame from year to year nationally and internationally, where it is known Toalfda great day for visitors .. According to the latest statistics, the past year has received more than 300 thousand visitors, an average of 03 thousand per day. Cataclysms resemble machines playing African produce sounds melodious, the Statue of Liberty in America, and the World Cup .. What distinguishes Grotto caves curiosities, which lies west of the state capital of Jijel, about 35 km, and exactly along the "House of the Valley" in the opposite corner of the same beach, was discovered in 1917 party workers of bridges and roads while carrying hard-national Road No. 43 link between Jijel, Bejaia, which mediates the Corniche Djigele at a distance of 25 km, forcing them to hole tunnel led to the emergence of this cave that form a strange phenomenon in the form of a natural landmark archaeological and tourist. One oddity of this cave contained on bizarre forms embodied in nature across the world, formed by the phenomenon of leakage of rain water laden with lime and mineral salts problem so cataclysms and stalagmite and various forms, including the Statue of Liberty in America, World Cup, Tower of Pisa, Italy, Palace of the Kremlin in Moscow, Buddha, fish frozen, tooth large roots, the name of "Allah" in Arabic, the form of embryo in the womb of his mother, the four legs of a camel, monkeys three represent symbol of wisdom, and other shapes created by the Creator, which was formed by deposits of limestone inside the cave thanks to the rainwater that are loaded with various metals.
One wonders and marvels of this cave is also the growth of these stalactites and stalagmites, as proven by experts, at a rate of 01 cm per century, and that the temperature inside the cave is constant throughout the seasons of the year, carrying numbering Jijel province that is 18 degrees .. while the humidity was 60 or older.
Has suffered some forms, through the security crisis years, to sabotage the partial, and recorded by Huma visitor through his entry into the cave, which reopened its main entrance, overlooking the national highway despite the risks of exposure after the second entrance, overlooking the sea to the cracked wall of support by the waves. According to the interests of the barn Taza, which oversees teacher this important archaeological and tourism, it has been the renewal of the bridge railing to open the entrance of the former to raise the pressure on the main entrance. According to the same interests, the cave will be closed throughout the months of the year to a very light UL Where open to visitors who pay a ticket worth 30 dinars for adults and 15 dinars for the young, while the access to the cave is free throughout the months of the year for missions education and organized trips and foreign delegations.
All in all, visiting the Corniche Djigele will discover a lot of the wonders of the barn national Taza, especially after the completion of the works remove black dots accidentally Corniche and expansion, as well as the creation of the nearby beaches, as well as spaces and spaces for families on the side of the road .. where will be an opportunity for visitors to enjoy the dramatic scenery and take pictures with rare monkeys

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