الثلاثاء، 19 أغسطس 2014

ziama mansouriah

ziama mansouriah

Alawana island province of Jijel

Alawana island province of Jijel





Mountains djurdjura

Mountains djurdjura

Shuffling is a mountain range located in the north between the states of Algeria Tizi Ouzou, Bejaia and Bouira, which is on the borders of the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains that make up the series long. Consists Mountains shuffling of two parts, the northern slope, which includes dared of Tizi Ouzou province, while the other part is the southern slope, which consists of upstate Bouira, and remain Kulbl them in sprawling in the state Bjayh.otmtaz shuffling its beautiful scenery and is one of the most beautiful mountains of the world because of Akedzaúha snow in winter.



Municipality of Ghardaia northern desert of Algeria, and the headquarters of the state town of Ghardaia, about 600 kilometers south of Algiers, total area is estimated at 86 105 km 2, extended from north to south and 450 km, and east to west from 200 to 250 km rising from sea level to 486 m. Limit the mandate of each of Ghardaia: Djelfa and mandate of Laghouat in the north, the state of the egg and the state of Adrar to the west, the state of Ouargla in the east, and the state of Tamanrasset in the south. The town of Ghardaia, the capital of the state of Ghardaia, 200 kilometers from the state capital of Laghouat, 200 km from the state capital of Ouargla, 840 kilometers from the state capital Adrar up 1400 km from the state capital of Tamanrasset and crosses National Road No. 1 link the Algerian capital, in the south the great magician.

Bath righteous Biskra

Bath righteous Biskra

The bath righteous of the most important and most famous resorts febrile Algerian mineral, a compound that originates from the city of Biskra waters,
Featuring Bhmoudh high because it contains sulfur, which makes it useful for many skin diseases, and temperature of 43 degrees Celsius naturally.
The spas are considered the most important tourist attractions that attract Algerians and foreigners
Who are looking for facilities for bathing or medication and take a break, a
What distinguishes a bath «righteous» state of Biskra.

Pearl Maghreb Tlemcen

Pearl Maghreb Tlemcen

Is a city in the north-west of Algiers, the capital of the state of Tlemcen. Second city of importance
After Oran in the west side, proud of its past glorious and prosperous,
Relevant features inherent in the Andalusian Islamic Maghreb great, and Her scenic spots
Is "the city of religion and history
And what a lot of the buildings where the magnificent art timeless, and its past cultural intellectual and political Majeed
Has teamed generous nature Belle and human creative creative efforts to create a city
Superior upscale pleasant thought for the heart and soul together. Has reached the highest position in the beauty and majesty and perfection
And matured thanks to all that is called Jewel Maghreb and Africa Granada.
The city is located within the vineyards and olive trees, is also famous for the leather industry,
The carpets and textiles industry. And made Mnhakl HTH effects at the apex of the tourist areas in Algeria.